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페이스북 트위터 
新概念汉语 (英语版) 练习册2 신개념한어 (영어판) 연습책2
판매가 21,500원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 9,800원
적립금 117원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
저자 崔永华
ISBN 9787561940679
출판사 北京语言大学出版社
총 상품금액 11,700


  • 出版社: 北京语言大学出版社; 第1版 (2014年12月1日)
  • 外文书名: New Concept Chinese Workbook 2
  • 平装: 120页
  • 语种: 简体中文, 英语
  • 开本: 16
  • ISBN: 9787561940679
  • 条形码: 9787561940679
  • 商品尺寸: 29.2 x 20.6 x 1 cm
  • 商品重量: 440 g





1 我是坐飞机来的 I went there by plane 
2 我是今年来中国的 I came to China this year 
3 我要订一辆车 I want to book a taxi 
4 我要退房 I want to check out 
5 你起得真早 You get up so early 
6 安妮汉语说得很流利 Annie speaks Chinese fluently 
7 我会唱京剧 I can sing jingju 
8 你会用筷子吗 Can you use chopsticks 
9 我方便的时候你不能来 You can't come when I'm having my"convenience" 
10 这儿能不能停车 Can I park here 
11 你能爬上去吗 Can you climb up there 
12 太阳出来了 The sun is out 
13 现在还买得到票吗 Can we still get the tickets now 
14 方方听不懂西班牙语 Fangfang can't understand Spanish 
15 请把行李箱打开 Please open your suitcase 
16 你把车停在哪儿了 Where did you park the car 
17 哪个队会赢 Which team will win 
18 明天会下雨吗 Will it rain tomorrow 
19 我看了一场中文电影 I saw a Chinese movie 
20 你学了几门外语 How many foreign languages have you learned 
21 我们举行了一次演讲比赛 We had a speech contest 
22 我打了三次电话 I called three times 
23 我学了两年汉语了 I've been learning Chinese for two years 
24 王老师教了十年汉语了 Ms.Wang has been teaching Chinese for ten years 
25“北京楼”的炸酱面比“老北京”的好吃 The noodles with fried bean sauce in Beijing Garden are more delicious than those in Old Beijing 
26 这个城市比那个城市暖和 This city is warmer than that city 
27 你们的习惯跟我们不一样 The custom here is different from ours 
28 今天的节目跟昨天一样精彩 The program today is just as wonderful as the program yesterday 
29 我做过销售员 I worked as a salesman 
30 你去过多少个国家 How many countries have you been to 
31 我送她一束花儿 I'll give her a bouquet of flowers 
32 警察罚了我一百块钱 The police officer imposed a 100—yuan fine on me 
33 还是有点儿贵 It's still a little expensive 
34 这个菜有点儿咸 This dish is a little bit salty 
35 在海边晒晒太阳 Basking in the sun at the beach 
36 我想试试那件蓝色的毛衣 I want to try on that blue sweater 
37 胳膊被撞伤了 Your arm has been injured 
38 菜单被服务员拿走了 The menu has been taken away by the waiter 
39 我要回国了 I'm going back to my country 
40 飞机马上就要起飞了 The plane is about to take off






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