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[小学] 英语阅读 100篇 天天练 (4年级) [초등] 영어열독 100편 천천련 (4학년)
판매가 7,000원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 3,400원
적립금 36원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
저자 程帆
ISBN 9787119065274
출판사 外文出版社
총 상품금액 3,600


  • 出版社: 外文出版社; 第1版 (2010年6月1日)
  • 平装: 150页
  • 语种: 简体中文, 英语
  • 开本: 16
  • ISBN: 9787119065274, 7119065270
  • 条形码: 9787119065274
  • 商品尺寸: 22.8 x 16.4 x 1.2 cm
  • 商品重量: 240 g





Passage 1 A Clever Rat
Passage 2 I Am His Father
Passage 3 Toothache
Passage 4 Can You Tell Me?
Passage 5 I Like My Dog
Passage 6 A Thank You Letter
Passage 7 An Old English Saying
Passage 8 The Kitchen Is Too Dark
Passage 9 A Hungry Fox
Passage 10 My Name
Passage 11 Two Pictures
Passage 12 My English Teacher
Passage 13 Seasons
Passage 14 The World in 2050
Passage 15 A Nice House
Passage 16 My School Day
Passage 17 The First Question
Passage 18 This Is Not My Dog
Passage 19 What Will You Be?
Passage 20 Two Goats
Passage 21 Cinema Tickets
Passage 22 It Is My Train
Passage 23 The Best Medicine
Passage 24 Two Holes
Passage 25 Going to New York
Passage 26 My Uncle
Passage 27 I Am an Apple
Passage 28 A Beautiful Park
Passage 29 The Bird and the Duck
Passage 30 Flying Kites
Passage 31 I Want to Get off
Passage 32 A Cat Is Fishing
Passage 33 How Are Your Teeth
Passage 34 Who Is the Angel?
Passage 35 A Lucky Rabbit
Passage 36 Five Fingers
Passage 37 A Smart Tortoise
Passage 38 How Lucky the Man Is!
Passage 39 It's Your Turn to Whistle
Passage 40 The Halloween
Passage 41 What Is John Doing?
Passage 42 A Clever Man Has Little Hair
Passage 43 Talking in His Sleep
Passage 44 Do You Want Me to Tell a lie?
Passage 45 Exam Is Coming Tomorrow
Passage 46 Lunch Time
Passage 47 My Weekends
Passage 48 April Fool's Day
Passage 49 Thanksgiving Day
Passage 50 Tips
Passage 51 What Is My Job?
Passage 52 A Music Fan
Passage 53 The West Lake
Passage 54 Hawaii
Passage 55 What Am I?
Passage 56 A Ship
Passage 57 A Toy Show
Passage 58 My Parrot
Passage 59 The Goose with the Golden Eggs
Passage 60 The Fox and the Crow
Passage 61 A Near-Sighted Man
Passage 62 The Wolf and the Sheep
Passage 63 Little Star
Passage 64 Good Manners
Passage 65 let's Go to Watch a Football Match
Passage 66 Class One, Grade Four
Passage 67 James Is Ill
Passage 68 Two Bicycles
Passage 69 A Picnic
Passage 70 A Story Teller
Passage 71 A Park
Passage 72 Jack and Horse



Cinema Tickets
Two little students go to a cinema, buy the tickets and go in. But after two minutes they come out, buy two more tickets and go in again. After a few minutes they come out again and buy two more tickets. The girl in the ticket office says to them at last, " Why are you buying all these tickets?"
"No, we're not doing that," answer the two students. "But a big man always stops us at the door and tears our tickets up. "
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新概念英语 第3册 培养技能智慧版 学生用书 신개념영어 제3책 배양기능 지혜판 학생용서
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