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캠프릿지 영어·중국어 수준별읽기 - 소설관 레벨1 전집13권
[영중대조] 剑桥双语分级阅读·小说馆 第1级 (全13册) 검교쌍어분급열독·소설관 제1급 (전13책)
판매가 63,500원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 29,000원
적립금 345원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
전자상거래 상품정보 제공 고시
도서명 [영중대조] 剑桥双语分级阅读·小说馆 第1级 (全13册) 검교쌍어분급열독·소설관 제1급 (전13책)
저자, 출판사 莱瑟 Sue Leather (作者), 李夏 (编译), 北京语言大学出版社
크기 21 x 13.6 x 7.4 cm
쪽수 585
ISBN 9787561941539
출간일 2015年4月1日
목차 또는 책소개 目录 《酒店风云》目录: People in the story/故事中的人物 Places in the story/故事中的地点 Before reading/读前思考 Chapter I Dino/迪诺 Chapter2 Dino in love/迪诺恋爱了 Chapter 3'I'm yours!'/“我是你的了!” Chapter 4'Your're mine!'/“你是我的!” Chapter 5 The girl from Roccella/来自罗切拉的女孩儿 Chapter6 On agondola/贡多拉上 After reading/读后活动 Learning guide/学习指导 Translation/参考译文 …… 《错爱》 《别停!》 《夺命“巨”照》 《加勒比档案》 《女督察洛根》 《平行世界》 《人生如戏》 《十年》 《无助之助》 《与爱为邻》 《血钻》 《约翰·多伊》
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
莱瑟 Sue Leather (作者), 李夏 (编译)
ISBN 9787561941539
총 상품금액 34,500


  • 出版社: 北京语言大学出版社; 第1版 (2015年4月1日)
  • 平装: 585页
  • 语种: 简体中文, 英语
  • 开本: 32
  • ISBN: 9787561941539
  • 条形码: 9787561941539
  • 商品尺寸: 21 x 13.6 x 7.4 cm
  • 商品重量: 1.1 Kg





作者:(英国)莱瑟(Sue Leather) 编译:李夏


People in the story/故事中的人物 
Places in the story/故事中的地点 
Before reading/读前思考 
Chapter I Dino/迪诺 
Chapter2 Dino in love/迪诺恋爱了 
Chapter 3'I'm yours!'/“我是你的了!” 
Chapter 4'Your're mine!'/“你是我的!” 
Chapter 5 The girl from Roccella/来自罗切拉的女孩儿 
Chapter6 On agondola/贡多拉上 
After reading/读后活动 
Learning guide/学习指导 




Dino knew that Maria was a very good waitress.She was nice to the guests, and she was also intelligent. 
'Listen,' he said, 'I'm happy to give you a job, butI need someone to be the boss of all my waiters andwaitresses.' Dino smiled at Maria and said, 'I'd likeyou to do it!' 
After that, Maria went to work at the HotelCasanova. Dino saw her every day, and every dayhe liked her more and more. She was very sweet andkind. They talked a lot and they were good friends.When he was with her, he didn't think about Carla. 
But Carla saw everything. 
'You like that girl!' she said one evening. 'Youlike her too much!' 
'I don't know what you're talking about,' saidDino. 
'Yes, you do,' said Carla. 'Think, Dino. You aremy husband! You're mine!' 
Dino found the little picture of Roccella that Mariagave him on his birthday. He put it on the wall of hisoffice. He looked at it every day. It was true, thoughtDino, that he was in love with Maria. She was sweetand good. Like Roccella. And he knew that Marialoved him too. She didn't say anything. After all,Dino was married to Carla. But he knew. 
'I killed Alessandro and I can kill you too!'continued Carla. 'Don't forget that, Dino!' 
'She's crazy,' Dino thought. Then he knew what todo. He went to Maria that evening. 'We must leavethe hotel, you and I. I can't tell you why now, but Ican tell you when we get out of the hotel.' 
'I can't tell you now. Come on!' 
Dino took Maria by the hand and they went outof a back door, down to the water. It was a darkNovember evening. There were boats there. 'Take usto the Grand Canal!' he said to the boatman. 
Dino and Maria didn't see Carla. But Carlawatched them from the window. She ran out quicklyand took the fast hotel boat. 'She can't have him,'she said. 'He's mine!'

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