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페이스북 트위터 
走遍中国 学生用书2 주편중국 학생용서2
판매가 54,000원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 24,600원
적립금 294원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
전자상거래 상품정보 제공 고시
도서명 走遍中国 学生用书2 주편중국 학생용서2
저자, 출판사 [中国]齐少艳,张洁主编, 外语教学与研究出版社 외어교학여연구출판사
ISBN 9787521314441
출간일 2019-12-01
고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
저자 [中国]齐少艳,张洁主编
ISBN 9787521314441
출판사 外语教学与研究出版社 외어교학여연구출판사
총 상품금액 29,400

1.中外结合的工作团队:《走遍中国》邀请了外方教材编写专家作为顾问,如国际知名的英语第二语言教材编写专家Simon Greenall先生,实质性介入编写工作。中方主编、外方顾问和国外汉语教师三方合作,中方作者队伍负责内容编写;外方教材专家负责把关教材编写理念、教学法等方面;国外汉语教师负责在实际课堂上进行试用,并征集学生反馈意见。该书由外研社与英国麦克米伦出版集团联合出版,双方强强联手,为该项目配备了通晓英文的中文编辑和会说中文的英文编辑,使教材在初步细节方面可以得到质量的保障。





目  录

Unit 1 今天真忙! What a busy day!
Unit 2 我喜欢下雪天!I love the snow!
Unit 3 新年好!Happy New Year!
Unit 4 我们怎么去呢?How do we get there?
Review 1
Unit 5 请问您预订房间了吗?Do you have a reservation?
Unit 6 禁止拍照!No photography!
Unit 7 川菜又麻又辣! Sichuan food is tongue-tingling and spicy!
Unit 8 可以便宜一点儿吗?Could it be a little cheaper?
Review 2
Unit 9 这里的风景美极了!The scenery here is amazing!
Unit 10 她长什么样子? What does she look like?
Unit 11 我觉得不舒服。I’m not feeling well.
Unit 12 你会喜欢她的!You’ll really like her!
Review 3
Pair work activities for Student A
Pair work activities for Student B
Grammar reference
English translation
Vocabulary list

前  言

Discover China is a four-level Mandarin Chinese course, specially designed for beginners to intermediate students studying Chinese in English-speaking countries. It employs a communicative and integrated approach to learning Chinese. Emphasis is placed on communication in real contexts through pair work, group work and a variety of independent and integrated activities to help students become confident Chinese speakers.
Key features
Discover China’s unique communicative course design includes a number of distinctive features:
• Topic-driven contents in real-life contexts get students engaged and motivated. The topics in each book are organised around the lives and travel experiences of five young students in China.
• A truly communicative approach lets students learn the language by using it in real-life situations, providing them with the tools they need to communicate in Chinese naturally.
• Structured and effective learning design based on the sequence “presentation, practice and
production”, with activities moving from controlled practice to personalised tasks, facilitates effective learning of the language
• Systematic vocabulary and grammar development comes through topic-based practice and extension exercises. The lexical syllabus is based on levels 1—4 of the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK test) and the grammatical syllabus takes students up to the Vantage level (level B2) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
• Student-centred grammar learning supplemented with detailed grammar reference allows students to discover the rules for themselves through identifying patterns in the language samples. The grammar reference provides comprehensive and detailed explanations.
• Meaningful and integrated character writing practice groups characters with common radicals. These high-frequency characters are presented within the context of the unit theme.
• Insights into Chinese culture, through “Cultural corner” sections linked to the unit topics, promote a deeper cultural understanding. Fascinating fullcolour photos, showing the real China, provide visual appeal and draw students into this diverse culture.
• Pinyin matched to the word level instead of individual characters helps students understand how to write and space pinyin meaningfully. Discover China follows the official pinyin orthography.
• Extra pair work activities for each unit provide additional communicative speaking practice.
• Free online resources including Teacher’s Books, assessment tasks, unit quizzes, extra character writing sheets and more give students a lot of support. 






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